Yarn. Life. Everything.
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Hi my name is Nyreen and I am the owner at Yarn, Life, Everything. I love all things croch... read more
3 Products
1 Sale
3 Reviews
Made By Mums Maker Since 1st December 2018
Maker Bio
Hi my name is Nyreen and I am the owner at Yarn, Life, Everything. I love all things crochet and really enjoy making beautiful, unique items for people to wear and enjoy. I have a variety of items in my shop for you, but I welcome custom orders if you are wanting something specific. Please feel free to email me about your needs, I would love to work with you. You can also follow me on Instagram @yarn.life.everything_ to share my yarny tales and creative journey - I'd love to see you there. I live in West Yorkshire. I am married with 2 beautiful daughters and 2 cats. Email: nyreen.yarnlifeeverything@gmail.com